I have not yet heard from Toyota of Berkeley's owner, Tim Southwick. I seem to be having an intermittent electrical problem with my 2004. I have a 2004 Prius with 80000 km on the clock. I had a highlander with the heating controls not working right. This technique follows the steps below to reset your check engine light and fix your car complications: and the engine does not start! The problem is probably not the 12 volt battery because the Prius uses the high volt battery to start the gasoline engine. I tried disconnecting the battery for a while with no result. While this process is not as accurate as Dr. I'm wondering if anyone can offer advise on this.com Toyota Diagnostic Trouble Code Retrieval Prius Hybrid NHW11 1.
Paul from Art’s, author of the earlier link, openly admits that he got his info from Hobbit, the east-coast Prius guru (pictured demonstrating the safety of Prius high voltage AC motor phases, from a class Carolyn attended back in 2006).